使用Looker Studio以及整合Search Console数据。In this comprehensive course, you will dive deep into the world of GA4 and unlock its full potential.
Through video lessons and written instructions, you will gain the knowledge and confidence to navigate this new platform and harness its advanced features.Set up your GA4 property and stream efficiently, ensuring a smooth transition from Universal Analytics.
Master the foundational aspects of GA4, including internal traffic filters, cross-domain tracking, and data retention.
Learn how to create and customize events in GA4, empowering you to track essential interactions such as email clicks and newsletter signups.
Explore the new navigation in GA4, uncovering primary and secondary navigation options for in-depth analysis.
Discover advanced techniques like leveraging BigQuery, utilizing Looker Studio, and integrating Search Console data.
- 教程编号:0468676042
- 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
- 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
- 培训机构:未知
- 文件大小:1.9GB
- 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
- 压缩软件:7ZIP
- 视频播放:完美解码
─Get to Know GA4
├─01-Getting Started with Google Analytics 4
│ │ 01-Welcome Lets do this thang.mkv
│ │ 02-Property and Stream Setup .mkv
│ │ 02-Property and Stream Setup.rtf
│ │ 03-Setting the Foundation of GA4 (Internal Traffic Filters, Cross-Domain Tracking, Data-Retention, etc) .mkv
│ │ 03-Setting the Foundation of GA4 (Internal Traffic Filters, Cross-Domain Tracking, Data-Retention, etc).rtf
│ │ 05-Turning off Auto-Migratio.rtf
│ │
│ └─04-The Skinny on GA4 Foundations
│ 04--7-Connect All Google Products .mkv
│ 04-1-Set Your Timezone .mkv
│ 04-2-Keep Enhanced Measurement On .mkv
│ 04-3-Keep Information for 14 Months .mkv
│ 04-4-Get your Demographic Data .mkv
│ 04-5-Filter Internal Traffic .mkv
│ 04-6-Define Unwanted Referrals .mkv
│ 04-The Skinny on GA4 Foundations.rtf
├─02-Creating and Passing Events
│ 01-An Overview of Enhanced Measurement.mkv
│ 01-An Overview of Enhanced Measurement.rtf
│ 02-What Events Should You Be Tracking.rtf
│ 03-How to Create Events in GA4 (Ex. Tracking Email Clicks) .mkv
│ 03-How to Create Events in GA4 (Ex. Tracking Email Clicks).rtf
│ 04-How to Create GA4 Events Using Tag Manager (Ex. Newsletter Signup) .mkv
│ 04-How to Create GA4 Events Using Tag Manager (Ex. Newsletter Signup).rtf
│ 05-Modifying Events in Platform.mkv
│ 05-Modifying Events in Platform.rtf
│ 06-Tools for Documentation.docx
├─03-Platform Overview - Primary Navigation
│ 01-GA4 vs Universal Analytics (the where's where).rtf
│ 02-An Overview of the New Navigation in GA4 .mkv
│ 03-Primary Navigation - Home (GA4-s Truck Stop) .mkv
│ 04-Insights - Monitoring Site Stats with Machine Learning .mkv
│ 04-Insights - Monitoring Site Stats with Machine Learning.rtf
│ 05-Primary Navigation - Explore.mkv
│ 06-Primary Navigation - Advertising (DO NOT SKIP, ORGANIC PEEPS).mkv
├─04-The Reports - Secondary Navigation (Post-Jun 2023 Setup)
│ Post May 2023 Secondary Navigation Explainer _更新新课_Imjmj.Com_.mkv
├─05-The Reports - Secondary Navigation (Pre-Jun 2023 Setup)
│ 01-Reports Library - Creating Your Secondary Navigation.mkv
│ 01-Reports Library - Creating Your Secondary Navigation.rtf
│ 02-Secondary Navigation - Report Snapshot (The Overview of all Overviews) .mkv
│ 03-Secondary Navigation - Acquisition Reports .mkv
│ 04-Secondary Navigation Engagement Reports.rtf
│ 04-Secondary Navigation - Engagement Reports .mkv
│ 05-Secondary Navigation - Monetization Reports.mkv
│ 06-Secondary Navigation - Retention Reports.mkv
│ 07-Secondary Navigation - User and Tech Reports.mkv
│ 08-Reporting on Enhanced Measurement Dimensions (Search Terms, Links, Videos, Files, etc) .mkv
│ 09-How to Interact with Reports .mkv
├─06-Advanced Leverage of GA4
│ 01-Getting Started with BigQuery.mkv
│ 01-Getting Started with BigQuery.rtf
│ 02-How to Use Looker Studio with BigQuery .mkv
│ 03-Move Google Ads Report into Navigation .mkv
│ 04-Using Audience Builder .mkv
│ 05-Search Console Data in GA4.mkv
└─07-Uses of Explore
01-Creating Custom Funnels in GA4.mkv
02-Creating a User Flow in GA4 .mkv
03-User Explorer .mkv
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