如24岁年轻人仅用三天时间将一个非原创创意变成12500美元的现实!快来点击获取更多信息!Discover how to turn your passion into a profitable business with Make It Profitable, a comprehensive course that teaches you a 5-step system to create a recession-proof, full-time income online.
This course will help you overcome business stagnation and learn to charge what you’re truly worth.
With a crystal clear, step-by-step guide, you can start your business without spending a fortune on unnecessary software and expenses.
The course includes real success stories, including a 24-year-old who turned a non-original business idea into $12,500 in just three days.
- 教程编号:1852211183
- 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
- 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
- 培训机构:未知
- 文件大小:854MB
- 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
- 压缩软件:7ZIP
- 视频播放:完美解码
─Make It Profitable
│ Intro _更新新课_Imjmj.Com_.mkv
│ │ TMP Copywriting Framework.txt
│ │
│ └─Social Selling System
│ 1. Intro.txt
│ 2. Laser Beam Content.txt
│ 3. DM Seduction.txt
│ 4. Conversational Sales.txt
│ 5. Amplify Sales Success.mkv
└─Make It Profitable
├─1. The Best Friend Equation
│ 1. Intro.pdf
│ 2. Creating Your Ideal Customer.pdf
│ 3. Becoming Their Best Friend.pdf
│ 4. Best_Friend_Equation .mkv
│ Becoming Their Best Friend.txt
│ Creating Your Ideal Customer.txt
│ Intro.txt
├─2. The Viral Transformation
│ 1. Intro.txt
│ 2. The Most Pressing Problem.txt
│ 3. The Quantifiable End Result.txt
│ 4. Show Them The Path.txt
│ 5. The_Viral_Transformation.mkv
├─3. The Lighthouse Scenario
│ 1. Intro.txt
│ 2. Unique Selling Proposition.txt
│ 3. Unique Machine Mechanism.txt
│ 4. Your Brand Mission.txt
│ 5. The Big Idea.txt
│ 6. The Lighthouse Scenario.mkv
├─4. The Godfather Offer
│ 1. Intro.txt
│ 2. Components of an Irresistible Offer.txt
│ 3. Piecing Your Offer Together.txt
│ 4. Offer Stacking.txt
│ 5. GodfatherOffer.mkv
├─5. The Long Game
│ 1. Intro.txt
│ 2. Get On The Phone With Your Target.txt
│ 3. Finding Profitable Angles.txt
│ 4. TheLongGame .mkv
├─6. Bonus Double Your Income
│ 1. Intro.txt
│ 2. Define Your Value Ladder.txt
│ 3. Low Ticket Ascension.txt
└─7. How To Implement Interviews
jk-interview _更新新课_Imjmj.Com_.mkv
joey-interview _更新新课_Imjmj.Com_.mkv
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