We’ve built the Academy to share the proven blueprint we’ve used to build over 3,274 high converting landing pages and generate hundreds of millions of dollars since 2013.
Increase your conversion rates in real-time, regardless of your chosen platform or level of expertise.
Launch and create pages that generate ROI on your marketing spend time and time again.
Use psychological triggers to have visitors jumping for your product.
Follow our cheatsheets that show you exactly where to put different elements on your pages.
Collaborate with our conversion rate experts to verify and approve your new-found knowledge.
Implement small tweaks that continually achieve massive ROI on your campaigns.
- 教程编号:0308790201
- 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
- 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
- 培训机构:未知
- 文件大小:4.95GB
- 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
- 压缩软件:7ZIP
- 视频播放:完美解码
Ultimate Conversion Rate Optimisation Course
├─01-You're About to Get ConversionWise
│ 01-Introduction.mkv
│ 02-BONUS - Post launch audit.mkv
│ 03-BONUS - Conversion rate checklist.mkv
│ 03-Conversion Rate Optimisation Checklist - The Blueprint .xlsx
├─02-The Basics of Conversion Optimisation
│ 01-Introduction.mkv
│ 02-Why your conversion rate is so important.mkv
│ 03-Why and when to use a landing page.mkv
│ 04-Summary.mkv
├─03-The Foundation of High Conversions
│ 01-Introduction.mkv
│ 02-Determining the goal.mkv
│ 03-Creating an undeniable offering.mkv
│ 04-Knowing your audience, demographic and their intent.mkv
│ 05-Macro vs micro principles.mkv
│ 06-Choosing your platform.mkv
│ 07-Psychological principles.mkv
│ 08-Summary.mkv
├─04-The Design Blueprint
│ 01-Introduction.mkv
│ 02-How to use colours.mkv
│ 02-How to use colours.pdf
│ 03-Highlight your value proposition.mkv
│ 04-Keep It Simple Stupid_(new).mkv
│ 05-Leverage the AIDA principle_(new).mkv
│ 06-FAQs are a must.mkv
│ 07-Create trust and credibility_(new).mkv
│ 08-Show off social proof_(new).mkv
│ 09-Everything call to action_(new).mkv
│ 10-Use critical elements above the fold.mkv
│ 11-Introducing scarcity_(new).mkv
│ 12-Mobile page design_(new).mp4
│ 13-The perfect page layout.mp4
│ 14-Summary.mp4
├─05-The Development Blueprint
│ 01-Introduction.mkv
│ 02-Optimise for load speed.mkv
│ 02-Resources.pdf
│ 03-Resources.pdf
│ 03-Responsive optimisation.mkv
│ 04-Cross browser compatibility.mkv
│ 04-Resources.pdf
│ 05-Clean, lightweight code.mkv
│ 05-Resource.pdf
│ 06-Form field types, validation and verification.mkv
│ 06-Resource.pdf
│ 07-Fixed CTA on scroll.mkv
│ 08-Meta information.mkv
│ 08-Resources.pdf
│ 09-Little things that make a big difference.mkv
│ 10-Summary.mkv
├─06-Conversion Based Copywriting
│ 01-Introduction.mkv
│ 02-Crafting your value proposition.mkv
│ 03-Features and benefits.mkv
│ 04-Emotive headlines.mkv
│ 05-Summary.mkv
├─07-Levelling up your Conversion Game
│ 01-Introduction.mkv
│ 02-Dynamic homepage sections.mkv
│ 03-Upsells, cross-sells and suggestion walls.mkv
│ 04-Everything bundles.mkv
│ 05-Cart and checkout optimisation.mkv
│ 06-Subscriptions.mkv
│ 07-Using dynamic and conditional flows.mkv
├─08-Testing and Optimisation
│ 01-Introduction.mkv
│ 02-An overview of optimisation testing.mkv
│ 03-Getting setup.mkv
│ 04-Analysing data and generating hypothesis.mkv
01-How to build the perfect sales page.mkv
02-Don't make these obvious mistakes.mkv
03-AUDIT - InvisionApp.mkv
04-AUDIT - Let's Explore.mkv
04-AUDIT - Let's Explore_(new).mkv
05-AUDIT - Mobile Cake Moulds.mkv
05-AUDIT - Mobile Cake Moulds_(new).mkv
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