Everything you need to automate your channel & make money!
What you’ll learn:
Insight on niches and topics
Freelancer hiring & training best practices
Step by step channel automation guide
- 教程编号:1254275745
- 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
- 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
- 培训机构:未知
- 文件大小:4.89GB
- 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
- 压缩软件:7ZIP
- 视频播放:完美解码
YouTube Automation Made Easy
├─01-Facts Verse Overview
│ 01-First, What is YouTube Automation.mkv
│ 02-What is Inside the Course.mp4
│ 03-So is this Course for you.mp4
├─02- Picking a Niche
│ 01-Is it Monetizable.mkv
│ 02-CPMs Are not Everything.mp4
│ 03-Trending vs. Evergreen Content.mp4
│ 04-Availability of Footage.mp4
│ 05-Niche Down And Stand Out.mp4
│ 06-Main Takeaway- Automation Niche Checklist.mp4
├─03-Finding (Unlimited) Video Ideas
│ 01-Unlimited Video Ideas.mkv
│ 02-Google Trends.mp4
│ 03-Feedly.mp4
│ 04-Forums and Groups.mp4
│ 05-Online Databases.mp4
│ 06-SEO Tools.mp4
│ 07-YouTube Comments.mkv
│ 08-Main Takeaway.mkv
├─04-Feedly Tutorial
│ Feedly Tutorial.mkv
│ 00-YouTube Scripting Guidelines.mkv
│ 01- Content, Title and Keywords.mkv
│ 02- Video Description.mp4
│ 03- Script Structure.mp4
│ 04- Formatting.mkv
│ 05- Plagiarism.mp4
│ 06-Main Takeaway.mp4
│ 01- Create an Example Video.mkv
│ 02- Document the Edit Step-by-Step.mp4
│ 03- Helpful Materials.mp4
│ 04- Facts Verse Editing Guidelines.mp4
│ 05- Then and Now Editing Guidelines.mp4
│ 06- Talking Head Editing Guidelines.mp4
│ 07-Main Takeaways.mkv
├─07-Avoiding Copyright on YouTube
│ 01-Fair Use.mkv
│ 02-YouTube Content ID Match.mp4
│ 03-How We Avoid Copyright.mp4
│ 04-Main Takeaways.mp4
├─08- Hiring Freelancers
│ 01-Step 1- Know What You Want.mkv
│ 02-Step 2- Creating Process Docs.mp4
│ 03-Step 3- Hiring Writers.mp4
│ 04-Step 4- Hiring Voice Over Artists-On Camera Talent.mp4
│ 05-Step 5- Hiring Editors.mp4
│ 06-Step 6- Hiring Quality Checkers (QC).mp4
│ 07-Step 7- Hiring Thumbnail Artist.mkv
│ 08-Step 8- Hiring VAs for Uploading-Metadata.mkv
│ 09-Main Takeaways.mkv
├─09-Automation Tools
│ 01-Our Automation Tools.mkv
│ 02-When to Implement Automation.mp4
│ 03-FV Automation Overview.mp4
├─10-Automating Your Workflow (Step by Step)
│ 01-Scripting Automation.mkv
│ 02-VO Automation.mp4
│ 03-Editing Automation.mp4
│ 04-Upload Automation.mp4
│ Best TubeBuddy Features.mkv
├─12-YouTube Shorts
│ Creating Viral Shorts at a Low Cost.mkv
└─13-Course Wrap Up
Wrapping Things Up.mkv
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